Pennsylvania Investment Network


"For those of you that are asking yourself whether this site is real, the answer is yes. My first thought was that I would put my proposal on the site and it would be sent for review, and at this point someone from within the Dealflow Investment Network office would contact me as an investor so I would be more likely to pay the $249 fee. I received 8 responses from investors overnight and 2 more since then. Thanks Dealflow Investment Network."
David Kriedeman - Chris Christopherson Inc

Investors - How It Works

The Pennsylvania Investment Network is designed to help business investors find the best investment opportunities in Pennsylvania and from around the world. The Pennsylvania Investment Network belongs to an integrated network of Dealflow sites serving New York, California, Texas, Florida, and Canada so can offer you access to a steady flow of targeted business proposals. We will email you business summaries that match your investment criteria or you can search for opportunities within our database. Our opportunities range from seed capital for leading edge start-ups to growth capital for profitable mature businesses. The next Facebook, eBay, or Amazon may be waiting for you at the Pennsylvania Investment Network!

Our process is as follows:

Step 1: Register as an Investor

The first step is to register. It is free and takes just a minute. Select your own investment criteria so that you only receive proposals that would be of interest to you. You will be sent an email to confirm you email address. Your membership will then need to be approved by our staff before you can log in. You will be notified via email once your account has been activated.

Step 2: Notification

Once registered you will receive proposals via email that match your investment criteria. The proposals contain answers to specific questions that investors need to know in order to understand important aspects of the business and decide if you should contact the entrepreneur to learn more. We do not send out full business plans, however, entrepreneurs can upload them as attachments to their proposal which can be reviewed online.

Step 3: Review Opportunities

You can log in and review investment opportunities in the system as often as you like and even look at ones that are outside your investment criteria. We offer tools that allow you to actively manage your list of investment opportunities by adding, deleting, and saving opportunities.

Step 4: Make Contact

Once you find a proposal of interest, you can send a contact request to the entrepreneur by logging in and clicking a contact button on their proposal. This notifies the entrepreneur of your interest in their proposal and adds them to your list of contacts. In your list of contacts, there are Fees Paid and Awaiting Response icons to let you know which entrepreneurs have paid our investor referral fee. Those with Fees Paid will receive your contact details immediately. Those with Awaiting Response are still waiting for enough interest to be generated before paying the fee. Please be aware that we are an match-making service only. We receive no commissions and do not become involved in any due-dilligence, negotiations, or deal structuring between you and the entrepreneur.

What do I do now?

Register now and start receiving investment proposals today!

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