Pennsylvania Investment Network

Entrepreneur Registration

Important: Please note this registration page is only for people looking for funding. If you are an investor, please register here.

Contact Info


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  1. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy.

  2. I understand that the Pennsylvania Investment Network can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an investor has been established.

  3. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the investors I deal with.

 I have read and agree to the terms of the disclaimers above.

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Pennsylvania Investors

United States > Pennsylvania

I am a loan consultant that can fund your project/business/commercial loan up to $10 million provided you submit all required docs, have a (720) credit score (good credit) for approval. There are no up front fees.

$0 to $10,000,000

United States > Pennsylvania

I am a founding partner of a Socially Responsible Venture Fund based in Lancaster, PA. The objective of the Fund is to invest in exciting, early- stage (NOT Start-ups), high growth humanitarian, sustainable, environmental or socially responsible businesses with a focus on those that are primed for rapid expansion if they had the funding. The purpose of the Fund is to earn superior financial returns for our investors by capitalizing on leveraged private equity investing in rapid- growth companies and then managing the process to take those companies public either by a ‘reverse-merger’ on the U.S. stock market, a listing on the London Stock Exchange or other method so that our investment is liquid.

$100,000 to $1,000,000

United States > Pennsylvania

I am an IT professional currently a CTO. Looking to invest in an IT related business.

$10,000 to $50,000

United States > Pennsylvania

Recently retired with a large cash portfolio. Looking to invest in properties overseas. I would be willing to participate and monitor progress in these various ventures.

$1,000 to $50,000

United States > Pennsylvania

Portfolio Manager, Investment Officer, B.A. Accounting Delaware MBA Finance Delaware Chartered Financial Analyst Current Investments include diversified global equity portfolio Individual Investor Silent Partner

$0 to $10,000

United States > Pennsylvania

Semi - retired, looking for a partner to invest. Honest and straight forward, looking for same. Return on equity is critical.

$100,000 to $250,000

United States > Pennsylvania

I have some knowledge of investing and am looking to find more opportunities.

$100 to $5,000

United States > Pennsylvania

Interested in real estate opportunities.

$0 to $150,000